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                ABOUT LAISHANG

                ABOUT LAISHANG

                Guangzhou Laishang Biological Technology Co., Ltd.

                Guangzhou Laishang Biological Technology Co., Ltd.

                Guangzhou laishang Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is a professional biotechnology company focusing on product development, sales and service in the field of life science, committed to providing high-quality products and services for China's scientific and technological progress. Since its inception, the company has taken "focusing on laboratory professional solutions" as its business philosophy, and built a good service platform to facilitate the majority of domestic scientific research users to quickly and conveniently obtain products and services urgently needed by scientific research.

                Since its establishment, the company has focused on the field of life sciences. With the help and support of the majority of users, and after years of unremitting efforts, it has become an important supplier of products and services in the field of life sciences in China. At present, the company's agent products are mainly molecular diagnostic equipment with ddPCR instrument as the core and molecular imaging equipment with small animal CT as the core. All employees of the company, especially those of product R & D team and after-sales service team, have received systematic higher education, strict technical training and excellent service awareness. As always, we devote ourselves wholeheartedly to serve the new and old customers. Thank you for your support and trust! I wish you new and continuous success in your scientific research!