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                Nucleic Acid PrepStation

                Product Center > Nucleic Acid PrepStation

                Nucleic Acid PrepStation

                The Nucleic Acid PrepStation can be used with various magnetic bead nucleic acid extraction reagents to quickly extract DNA and RNA from animal and plant tissues, blood and body fluids

                1. Instrument introduction

                The Nucleic Acid PrepStation can be used with various magnetic bead nucleic acid extraction reagents to quickly extract DNA and RNA from animal and plant tissues, blood and body fluids

                1)Operation screen: integrated capacitive touch screen, surrounded by light band, strong sense of technology; touch 7-inch color display screen,Sensitive to touch;

                2)Operation interface: humanized UI design, novel and beautiful interface; intuitive and convenient operation, friendly human-computer interaction;

                3)Program editing: it can create, edit and delete experimental programs flexibly; it can import and export experimental programs from USB flash disk;

                4)Cabin door protection: the door opening test is suspended to ensure the safety of personnel;

                5)Magnetic rod protection: before the experiment, the system will automatically remind whether the magnetic rod sleeve is inserted to avoid magnetic rod pollution;

                6)Temperature control: the heating temperature of pyrolysis and elution can be customized according to the demand, with uniform temperature control and small difference between pores;

                7)Adaptability of reagents: open system, which can adapt to various kinds of magnetic bead nucleic acid extraction reagents;

                8)UV disinfection: regular UV disinfection function, which will be automatically turned off.

                2. Scope of application

                It is suitable for nucleic acid separation and purification in molecular biology research, disease control, clinical, customs, forensic and other fields.

                3. Technical parameters

                Sample flux: 1-32;

                Treatment volume: 30-1000ul;

                Recovery rate: ≥ 99%;

                Extraction hole difference: CV ≤ 2.5;

                Extraction time: 9-40 minutes (determined by the reagent used);

                Heating temperature: pyrolysis: room temperature - 105 ℃, elution: room temperature - 105 ℃;

                Mixing frequency: low, medium and high adjustable;

                Reagent type: magnetic bead method;

                Experimental storage: 10000 groups;

                Pollution control: UV disinfection module, heap filtration module;

                Power off protection: power off restart, automatic recovery of the last experiment;

                Volume: 400mm (W) * 400mm (H) * 445mm (d)

                Weight: 30kg